Monday, February 02, 2009

Been Out

I have been out of town the last 4 days. My daughter had her tonsils taken out. It's pretty tough for a grown up. Anyway I went and helped her and her husband with the grandkids, getting them to school and what not. Then Friday I took the kids to my mother's up near Heber Springs for the weekend. Luckily the ice storm last week missed her place. My sister in Kentucky got hit hard. She and her family have been living in a motel since the storm hit.

Anyway, fishing on the Little Red wasn't good. The river was running too fast. But it was a nice weekend. Temps in the 60s.

Good Super Bowl. I didn't care who won really. I just enjoyed the game. Half time show was great! For you folks that have never been to a Springsteen concert, that was just a small sampling of what you can expect at his show. He keeps that up for at least 2 1/2 hours!

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