Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Out In The Yard

The warm weather has me outside looking at all the shit that has to be done. I've got a rotted place about half way up on the gable end of the house. I'll have to get a 20 ft. extension ladder and get up there, cut the fascia board out where the rot is and put another piece in it's place. Then prime and paint. Also the whole outside of the house could use a good cleaning.

I started some seeds for my vegetable garden. I only have one corner of my property that stays sunny most of the day. I think I can get 3 4'X12' raised beds in there. I'm not much of a gardener. I've grown a few tomatoes in my time, but I want to grow a lot more than that. It will be another learning experience for me.

I got the mower out yesterday. I was completely out of gasoline (that high dollar stuff I bought last summer when it was $4 a gallon). Had to make a trip for fuel ($1.79 a gallon - bargin!). Pouring the gas into the tank, fuel started running out of the carborator. The bolt that holds the bowl was loose. Did I do that last fall? Anyway, a quick fix and I got the old girl fired up. With the longer day I got the mowing done. First one of the season!

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